The Plan:
Students will spend some time exploring ancient Roman culture through a variety of library books then chronicle the decline of and fall of Rome using textbook section 9.2, “The Fall of Rome”. They will analyze the effects of several events the Roman Empire faced as well as the civilization’s legacies. I am happy to report the last section quiz will be Friday, May 3rd!! We will have a district final exam over the material and skills learned during second semester on Tuesday, May 7th. This is an electronic test similar to the performance tests taken in English and Math classes.
Students set-up Social Studies Notebooks for their Ancient Roman Culture Summary Report. Most students finished researching a library book about some element of ancient Roman culture today in class. We will finish up tomorrow.
Students wrote a summary of their Ancient Roman Culture library book. Approximately ten minutes will be provided tomorrow to edit and finish up coloring their illustration.
Students shared their reports on Roman culture with four other colleagues. They documented their work on Social Studies Notebook page 74 by writing a one sentence summary and either a connection to the text or a new question they had as a result of hearing the new information. We will not be ready for the quiz on Friday, so it will be postponed until late next week.
Students began their analysis of the the decline of the Roman Empire with a video. We will use this to help us connect our new knowledge about Roman culture with the negative consequences that followed.
As students finished our Rome's Ruin video, we began Emperor's Reforms team chart. We will finish up on Monday.