Social Studies:
Students will go to the library Monday then use the PQR2ST+ study system to learn about the Egyptian Middle and New Kingdoms from section 2.3 "The Egyptian Empire". We will focus our attention during class this week on getting to know the pharaohs of Egypt.
Homeroom: Only four students signed up for a school lunch for tomorrow. Please don't forget to bring a your lunch in a throw away sack. We have some classic brown bags here if you need one.
What Is Happening:
- Library Check-Out 15minutes
- Checked progress on 2.3 "The Egyptian Empire" PQR2ST+ notes on Social Studies notebook page 32
- Set-up Pharaohs of Egypt foldable on Social Studies notebook page 33
Tuesday: After the MSU Sports Management field trip students used both thier Social Studies and English class periods to finish the work they began on Friday. Social Studies notebook pages 32 and 33 are due Monday, December 2.
Wednesday: Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!
Wednesday: Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!