Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Week of March 3

The Plan:

Social Studies:

Students are writing the outline for their paper on Alexander the Great this week.  All the work will be completed here at school. Students have done an excellent job analyzing the documents together.

Homeroom:  Attendance Pizza at lunch tomorrow!

What Is Happening:

Monday:  Students added their DBQ packets to their binders and continued working on choosing the best evidence for each of their category cards supporting their position on Alexander the Great.

Tuesday: Students worked on completing their evidence cards and began their outlines for their argumentative paper. They have grown so much this year! We are looking forward to showing off all of our hard work.

Wednesday: Students worked on completing their evidence cards and began their outlines for their argumentative paper.

Thursday:  Most stuudents completed their outlines for their argumentative paper and added transition words and conclusion sentences to thier category cards today.  We should be all ready to begin actually writing the rough drafts after Spring Break.  Have a great week!