Social Studies:
Students will continue to learn and practice classroom
procedures as we set-up our notebooks this week. We will utilize Channel
One, an online student news source, to explore current events around the world
as they learn note-taking strategies during our homeroom time. Students will
also receive their Social Studies textbooks and begin to use their interactive
notebooks we use throughout the year.
Homeroom: Thank you to all the students who were willing to be homeroom representatives. Congratulations to Kalyn Cumley and Jory Clark! Grace Marshall will be our alternative this year.
Monday: Students set-up Channel One Strategy #1 today. They will use this strategy during homeroom this week as they explore current events. Students document three facts, one opinion, and one great question from a news article of their choice. Watch planners and the blog for upcoming notebook grade days!
Tuesday: Students set-up Social Studies Interactive Notebooks today. They numbered pages, designated a table of contents, and began created a chart to document their growth this year. We then examined a couple of great student notebook examples to see what kind of work and to topics we will learn about this year. Thanks to our PTA, we even used ribbon to create bookmarks!
Wednesday: Students finished up the SSn set-up as I distributed textbooks. We also used a team building activity to practice procedures and get to know each other.
Thursday: Students looked at strategies good readers use when reading nonfiction. Notes were provided in class and attached to SSn page 8. They also created a large list of nonfiction text features their team already knows about or found in their textbooks.
Friday: Students worked with their teams to identify examples of nonfiction text features in a variety of books. Then on SSn page nine, each student chose at least four unique text features and began to create a colorful chart to explain the purpose of each feature.